In this imaginatively illustrated book, each chapter charts the realization of a feast, with its challenges and ideas, culminating with the final recipes. The book consists of a Willy Wonka Feast, a Fairy Tale Feast, an Edwardian Feast, a Gothic Feast, a '70s Feast, and�of course�a Feast of the Future. Delving deep into the world of each dish, Blumenthal creates poison apples, transforms pumpkins into carriages, and builds Edwardian gingerbread houses with sugar windows. Scouring Italy for rare mushrooms and Switzerland for wild boar, he records the journeys and inspiration behind each meal, laying it all out in grandly illustrated detail. Witness his delectable riffs on Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham and Roald Dahl's Lickable Wallpaper, and even try the recipe if you dare.
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