Ann toasts & tastes Loire Valley wines at Domaine Douzon

Peter loves Sunsets too. This one in South Australia's Barossa Valley

Dramatic Sunrise in Peter's Home Town, Huddersfield UK. The Sun did not shine for long

Ann with Chef Adolfo Garcia & his Partner Nick Bazan at Riomar, New Orleans

In Adelaide, South Australia - we found out this is NOT the family business

Ann loved this street sculpture in Melbourne, Australia - they would not reveal their Diet Secret!

Peter in Federation Square, Melbourne, sporting his newly purchased straw Akubra (that's the hat)

Ann loved these Dolls at Sydney's Paddington Market, a must visit on Saturdays

Sydney's Anzac Bridge - locals call it "Madonna's Bra" - can you guess why?

Ann admires the Cheese selection at Stephanie Alexander's Richmond Hill Cheese Larder in Melbourne